Company description: WIHP is the leading meta search provider in Europe.
Product description: Meta I/O is a global metasearch solution integrated with Yield Planet, as well as the leading metasearch engines. Upon logging in to our system, the rates and availability of your hotel are sent to the metasearch channels, where your hotel will appear with your official website prices and logo. With Meta I/O you control the full metasearch ecosystem, Connectivity, Bid auctions (CPC/CPA/Commission), price competitiveness, performances and invoicing.
Geographical focus: US/CA
Property focus: Hotels
Contact person email: [email protected]
Website: wihphotels.com/en/

Category: Tag:

Today’s travelers want hotel searches to be as quick and painless as possible. We’ve therefore come up with a solution that lets you position your ad in metasearch engines and increase traffic to your reservation system.

Jérôme Diaz Lopez

Senior Business Developer, WIHP