ICG Software

Company description: ICG Group was launched more than three decades ago, in 1985, and is a multinational company that develops technological solutions for the hotel, hotel and retail industry. ICG Software consists of 7 companies and has 3 commercial divisions (ICG Solutions, HIOPOS and CashDro). The headquarters are located in Lleida (Spain), where the entire process of developing and manufacturing software solutions for different sectors evolved. They have 25 international concessions and an important network of partners representing the ICG Group in more than 70 countries on 5 continents.
Product description: ICG Software system is designed to improve the daily management of any type, category, size or location of the hotel, especially in those hotels where a multitude of additional services are offered (spa, events & meetings, restaurant, retail, and so on)
Cooperation description: The integration available between YieldPlanet and FrontHotel PMS is a 2-way type.
Geographical focus: Iberia
Property focus: Hotels
Contact person email: [email protected] , Toni Fontova – Head of Hotels division
Website: www.icg.es

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