WHL is a wholesaler present in 4 countries, with 5 local offices: 2 in Italy, 1 in London, 1 in Madrid and 1 in Orlando. WHL’s inventory currently counts over 5000 directly contracted hotel establishments, meaning about 18000 contracts, mainly in European destinations: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, France, UK, Austria, and EAU, USA and Canada. WHL company’s main goal is to buy at the best guaranteed prices, thanks to thier expertise and know-how and also to the ability to develop advanced technological systems that allow them to compete within the most important markets in the world. The corporate strategy is to expand into new markets such as the United States and the United Arab Emirates, strengthening their current position. A constant renegotiation of rates is supported by the staff of 18 buyers and 16 data entry of WHL’s offices. WHL is also a member of RIPE, which provides, recognizes and guarantees the growing technological support.







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