Competition price range Update

Dec 18, 2018Price Optimizer Update

We are happy to inform you that we have introduced new features in Price Optimizer. The updates will be available in the following days.

Company rates

in Price Optimizer, all rates, including fixed company rates, are currently listed in the Rate Plan drop-down menu.

Graph data

In Price Control, the graph information with current on the books value and the forecast is extended by last year values: on the books (Otb Ly) and the final occupancy (Otb LY Final).

Competition price range

In Price Control competition prices shown are adjusted to show the range of prices based on the Price Shopper default filter (to be changed in the Configuration).
To give an overview of the prices dynamics the percentage value compares the current median of competition prices to the median from 7 days ago.

Additional date row (1)

On Price Control, an additional row with stay dates is added for a better clarity especially for hotels with a long list of room types

Master availability and the Price Level (2)

The availability value was moved upwards into a separate row as a more important and intuitive number. The bolded value is a total number of rooms available for 1 PAX, where the value in brackets shows how many rooms are available for the chosen PAX number. The Availability is also colour coded in blue for low availability and red for overselling.

The Price Level is moved down and represents the hotel price level.

Table redesign

In price control, arrows represent information about the manually changed price levels. One arrow up (or down) means that the price level was manually shifted by one level. The same is for two levels. Three arrows represent all values equal to or higher than 3.

Not available room types are marked in grey and with a frame to easier identification.

Manually adjusted availability and MLOS values are underlined.

As usual, should you have any questions or problem using new functions, please contact

We’d also like to use this opportunity to wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!