Price Optimizer Usability Improvements

In our latest release, we have a number of noteworthy updates to our platform to simplify our solutions. Let’s dive into what’s new and what you need to know.
Improvements in Price Optimizer
1. Competition Prices filter is now modifiable directly from the Price Control ‘Comp Prices’ section

Clicking on each filter opens a dropdown to modify the existing selection
When the user returns to Price Control or page is refreshed, the Default Filters are applied
2. All options in Multi-day Update have a change all-at-once option

3. On Price Reports, the field with hotel names are wider
4. The order of Room Type categories in Price Control & in the Price List are made the same
5. Reports > Real Availability History is better structured
6. The Notes icon turns yellow when the note is active i.e. contains any info within (Feature for Admin users)
7. Ability to change hotel and competitor colors in Comp Set configuration for all users *
Improvements in CRS (Quoting Screen)
1. Rate Plans configuration has been redesigned

- Clear display and easy to organize by changing sort order of Rate Plans
New ‘Rate plans sort order’ option to sort rate plan packages in Prices Table from cheapest, most expensive or in manual order according to how it’s sorted in the configuration
2. New sort order design similarly added to Room Types configuration
3. The Rate Plan dropdown box is more responsive and wider

New icons added on the left panel to distinguish and quickly select Rate Plans & Company Rates
When a Rate Plan is selected that is other than default, it is highlighted in orange on the prices table
When a Company Rate is selected, it is highlighted in red on the prices table

4. Descriptions and labels of rate plans, room types & packages are wider
5. Children pricing related ‘Room Types’ configuration parameters are hidden when Children Pricing is disabled
6. New ‘Clear all from basket’ button

7. New button to remove a reservation within the same room type in basket

8. Grouping info in Room Types configuration and ability to pin virtual room types to any of the existing room groups *
9. New checkbox option in Room Types configuration whether to count baby cot in Total Pax calculation *
Features marked with * will be released sometime between September 13, 2021 – September 30, 2021.
If you have any questions or issues, please contact [email protected].
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