Why is Channel Manager by YieldPlanet the most flexible tool for optimizing room prices and offers in the industry
YieldPlanet’s Channel Manager is the most comprehensive online distribution solution available on the market. It is used by hundreds of hotels all over the globe. Extraordinary flexibility and adaptability in case you suddenly need to quickly transfer data to online systems, a situation so common in every hotel.
Nowadays the world around us is changing and developing dynamically, so it’s important to choose a channel manager that can easily adapt to changes and meet carious challenges that hotels face. Flexibility is therefore an indisputably essential feature when selecting an optimal online distribution tool.
Enough of the introduction. Below we will take a closer look at the features of Channel Manager by YieldPlanet that make it into the most flexible price and offer optimizing tool in the industry.
Channel Manager by YieldPlanet – flexible tool for price optimization
Defining room/price formulas
In Channel Manager by YieldPlanet you can define formulas for price linkages between rooms and offers, a feature that provides Revenue Manager with flexibility when modifying rates in response to market or season changes.
Loading rate tables (predefined rates)
Channel Manager allows to quickly predefine rates. Moreover, it allows you to load rates using grids which, in turn speeds up the entire online distribution process in weekly cycles.
Establishing revenue rules
“Revenue rules” is another feature of the YP’s Channel Manager that facilitates flexible price optimiziation. Vast majority of the processes is automated, thus saving time spent needed to manage online distribution.
YP’s Channel Manager functions making it into flexible offer optimization tool
Price formulas
Managing offers in YP’s Channel Manager is an easy task, even in a long period. You can create formulas between tariffs. It helps you reduce the error margin and significantly speed up loading new prices.
Formulas for mapping on the channel level
Creating and modifying formulas for maps on the channel level is another advantage of Channel Manager’s flexibility. It will help you reduce time spent on activities in this area.
Narrowing down rates transfer to channels depending on the season
In Channel Manager by YieldPlanet you can establish rates depending on the season, you can even set different rates for every season, all this from one control point. Rates can be calculated automatically according to the room type and price plan, while, at the same time, using various formulas on a room or tariff plan level.
YP’s Channel Manager functions making it into the most flexible tool in the industry in comparison to other available tools
Channel Manager by YieldPlanet is the only tool of this standard on the market equipped with features unavailable in other tools.
Flexible formulas and revenue rules configuration
This function gives Revenue Managers flexibility in their every day work, thus allowing for easily configuring unlimited number of formulas and revenue rules to optimize revenue. Thanks to this functionality, you can program certain automated activities enabled in case of increase or decrease in the number of rooms of a certain type available. The above circumstances can lead to rate change by a predefined numerical value or percentage, or close sales in all distribution channels, leaving exclusively the sales in hotel’s booking engine open.
If you want to learn more about flexible functionalities of the Channel Manager by YieldPlanet, contact us or order a demo version to test our tool.
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