Consortia as a source of corporate bookings

Consortia as a source of corporate bookings

Consortia as a source of corporate bookings

GDS distribution is the entry point to worldwide corporate travelers. The GDS feed most consortia, providing a major source of business for hotels that capture strong corporate demand. How to join TMC & Consortia hotel programs to make the most of your online channel distribution?

There are various channels a hotel should be aware of existing when it wants to have access to corporate reservations. The most important one is the GDS (Global Distribution system). GDS distribution is undoubtedly the entry point to worldwide corporate travelers who book accommodates for their professional travel through travel agents or their corporate self-booking tool (connected to GDS). This makes GDS an opportunity to reach an attractive segment of clients.

The GDS feed most consortia, providing a major source of business for hotels that capture strong
corporate demand. A Consortium is an organization consisting of independent travel agents and agencies joined together to increase their buying power, commissions, and amenities they are able to provide clients worldwide. In many cases, these agents switch consortium, consolidate or are acquired ongoing, or associate with several consortia, the main goal being a larger reach of hotels. Some of the main international consortia are ABC,WIN Global Travel Network, American Express, BCD, CCRA, Carlson Wagonlit, Radius, and Thor. A broad list of the most powerful travel agencies is available here.

Consortia rates
In exchange for offering better rates and commission to the TMC’s & Consortia, hotels receive listings under their private GDS rate code, website, and intranet for additional exposure to all member agents. Viewership of Consortia rates in the GDS is restricted – the rate is not available to general public and may be booked only when you enter the Consortia rate code. This means that if an agent searches for hotels in your city under the Consortia rate code and your hotel is not listed with the Consortia, your hotel will not show up in these search results.

Why join consortia & TMC programs?
Consortia will help you access new clients, drive growth, ADR, occupancy and incremental sales. TMC & Consortia will give you enhanced exposure to booking agents and their clients globally, all year round.

By joining TMC & Consortia hotel programs, your product is distributed to a balanced mix of on average 80% corporate and 20% leisure agencies, with both weekday and weekend business. You also get access to a variety of additional marketing opportunities to elevate your position and drive incremental business.

Consortia management programs help independent hotels compete for a share of the global business and leisure travel market by marketing preferred rates to qualified travel agents.

TMCs book the consortia rates and corporate rates they have access to, and all public rates.

An agent part of ABC Global services can book ABC Global Travel rates only if a hotel has signed a contract with ABC Global Services. An agent with CCRA Travel would not be able to book the ABC Global Travel rates.
Travel Management Companies negotiate rates with hotels on behalf of the corporations they represent. This rate is specific to that client and only authorized users can view, access, and book the negotiated rates. Corporations pick the Travel Management Companies they want to handle their travel bookings, and only this TMC has access to the negotiated rates for that corporation.

Corporation, say, XYZ has a negotiated rate with your hotel. Corporation XYZ has decided to work with American Express Business Travel, so American Express agents can see and book your negotiated rated with Corporation XYZ. An agent at CWT would not be able to book this negotiated rate.

Hoteliers determine the right Consortia & TMC partners to contract with each year. The bidding process has just started, so if you are considering to join, the moment is now. Here is the general Consortia timeline.

General Consortia Timeline:

June 1st – December 31st
• Sign up opens for Consortia services 2020

June 15th – August 30th
• From June 15th: RFP System training & educational sessions
o Invites with dates & times are sent separately
o Online training available all year at sabre University
• July 31st: (Recommended date)
o Hotel to complete their profile data – this is a recommended deadline since hotels cannot complete any Consortia submissions until profile data is 100% completed in the system.
• From August 1st: Consortia RFP training sessions – deep dive
o Invites with dates & times are sent separately
o Online training available all year at sabre University

From July 18th
• Sign up to Consortia Packages
• Individual Program sign up and a la carte sign up – Nexus Launch date is August 1st
• Additional Programs are being launched ongoing until October
• First Consortia submission deadlines are set to August 29th (Late submissions are accepted)

October 1st – December 31st
• Rate extension – ensure your existing consortia rates are extended until 31 March 2020, to avoid missing out on any potential bookings in the beginning of the year
• Rate loading & mapping – hotels are responsible for building and managing rates in the CRS, rates will then be automatically mapped to the GDS

From November 1st
• Sign up opens for 2020 consortia marketing opportunities and event participation

January 1st – February 28th
• Archive or Delete expired rates
• Rate Audits are performed ongoing to ensure rate availability in GDS and remove squatted rates

Read our GDS white paper Why do you need to be on a GDS now? A guide to the GDS market for hoteliers’  to learn more about GDS market.

The best apartment rental websites

The best apartment rental websites

The best apartment rental websites

Which channels to use to efficiently boost profits on renting apartments ?

A successful sales strategy involves the use of a variety of diverse and mutually complementary channels. Using of only one or two distribution channels in an extremely competitive industry, such as tourism and hospitality, first of all hinders the full exploitation of the facility’s potential, and in addition it makes the stakeholders heavily dependent on specific bookings and conditions they set. We may try to compare the above statements to our own financial policy: if we plan to invest a certain amount of money and want to disperse the investment risk, we would acquire several different blocks of shares of different companies rather than play va banque by acquiring shares of one company for all the money we have. By founding our sales solely on our own booking system and one or two leading OTA (Online Travel Agency) websites, on the one hand we can hope to reach a huge number of prospects in a relatively easy way, and on the other hand – any changes in the positioning of the facility’s offer or the amount of commission made by this website may have a significant impact on revenues.

First: the leading OTAs
While the direct sale of apartments generates the highest profits, it is generally responsible for a lower percentage of total revenues. Therefore, when developing an optimized distribution strategy, at least a few agent websites (OTA) should be taken into account, after a very careful selection. It is worth taking into account the leading websites in this category, i.e. and Expedia – both in Poland and worldwide they generate a significant share of bookings. Giving them up would significantly limit distribution; however, an optimized distribution strategy should primarily be based on a definitely broader spectrum of channels available. Data provided by the YieldPlanet Channel Manager clearly indicates that the optimal number of channels for the apartments is between 4 and 6; however, assuming that these are the hotels that shape the market and are the trend testers, this number is likely to increase. It is very likely that in the years to come, better results will enable the apartments to increase the number of agents.

Second: the profiled OTAs
With leading OTAs, our offer can reach the farthest corners of the world – to customers who would have been hardly accessible to us without appropriate tools and massive promotion investments. Still, it is worthwhile to complete our distribution strategy with a few smaller OTA websites, which will enable us to reach customers potentially interested in our offer. If your apartment is located in a place frequently visited by Russians and/or potentially of interest to Russians, it is worthwhile incorporating into the distribution strategy the local OTA websites that enjoy great popularity in Eastern Europe – for example Ostrovok – or in Central Europe – / An interesting option is also the Chinese Ctrip website, thanks to which the Czechs and Hungarians have already been winning guests from the Far East.

By analyzing the potential of a specific property and its immediate environment, it is relatively easy to pinpoint potential agents who will guarantee us the ability to reach the target group of customers and at the same time will offer competitive terms of cooperation (e.g. lower commissions). Targeting the guests’ nationality is not the only available option to search for new OTAs to cooperate with. If you have a apartment located in a tourist resort that offers excellent conditions for winter sports, look for OTAs that aggregate such facilities. Are you the owner of a luxury property? Highlight it on websites dedicated to wealthy customers who are looking for premium locations – such as Prestigia, LifeStyleHotels or Mr & Mrs Smith. It is worth looking for OTAs that specialize in targeting customers representing a specific profile. While these are niche websites, they usually provide a high conversion rate and a low cancellation rate, which is also of great importance.

Third: Airbnb
Our apartment distribution strategy surely cannot fail to include Airbnb, a first choice for many when looking for accommodation for a private or business trip. Airbnb emerged from the sharing-based trend. In sharing economy, instead of buying a good or service, we simply rent it or share it with others. According to this rule, a landlord can rent a flat to another person while it is vacant. And what if we set up a platform where we could search for all the apartments and flats that are rendered available in this manner? This is how Airbnb entered the short-term rental market. According to YieldPlanet data, Airbnb generates more bookings than alternative OTAs or proprietary booking systems, which is why it is worthwhile taking advantage of the website’s potential.

Fourth: Booking Engine
In order to avoid unnecessary risks and consequently potential losses, in planning the distribution strategy it is advisable to include many mutually complementary channels in it. However, the starting point should be the Booking Engine, i.e. a proprietary booking system that would enable us to make bookings directly on the property’s website. As shown by data reflecting the share of bookings registered in the YieldPlanet Channel Manager for 2018, the potential for growth of direct bookings in Poland still remains high when compared to Western European countries.
Why is it worth striving to compete for a direct customer? First of all, due to the chance of avoiding the commissions that have to be paid to the OTA account in the indirect channel model. The growing position of the leading players entails the risk of further increase of the cost of winning guests, so it is worth securing the higher share of bookings made via our proprietary booking system. While the task is not a simple one, the efforts made in this regard should translate into tangible benefits in a relatively short period of time.

Fifth: cooperation with businesses
Apartments are becoming increasingly more popular with business customers, so if you manage a facility located in a large city, especially near business districts, it is advisable to include this group in your distribution strategy In order to reach business customers you should mark your presence in the HRS (Hotel Reservation Service). Another effective method of winning guests is to cooperate with wholesalers, i.e. agents acting as intermediaries in the apartment distribution process, such as Hotelbeds.

While developing a distribution strategy, you can not only effectively diversify the sources of revenue but also minimize the risks. An effective strategy, however, should be first and foremost a flexible strategy, adapted to constantly changing market conditions and customers’ habits. It is therefore necessary to monitor the market on an ongoing basis, automate the sales process using available technological solutions (including PMS, Channel Manager and RMS), and constantly analyze data and make business decisions on their basis.

Looking for solutions that will help you manage your facility’s availability? Contact us – we will be happy to provide you with a dedicated offer for the YieldPlanet Channel Manager.

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How to build an on-line apartment distribution strategy

Why do you need to be on GDS now

Why do you need to be on GDS now

Why do you need to be on GDS now

GDS business can be a significant source of incremental bookings. Who is it for and how to use it? Read YieldPlanet’s white paper to find out:

In the world where diversification of distribution channels is one of the key factors that make your property perform better, hoteliers cannot avoid to consider GDS as one of the tools they have to diversify distribution. GDS business can be a significant source of incremental bookings. With an optimized GDS strategy better cost per acquisition than with OTAs can be achieved. GDS are the way for hotels to connect and conduct business with travel agencies and travel management companies alike. GDS deliver some of the most valuable customers for hotels; business travelers, who tend to spend more on premise and pay a higher average daily rate (ADR) than their leisure counterparts. We have prepared this white paper based on data and insights concerning the most important GDS providers in the market. You will learn from it:

  • what a GDS channel is
  • who the main players in the GDS market are and how they operate
  • at the difference between the GDS and other distribution channels is
  • how your property can benefit from activating a GDS channel
  • how to choose a GDS

We believe it will help you to formalize and build your GDS strategy for your property.

Claudio Limacher, CEO, YieldPlanet

Build a distribution strategy for apartments

Build a distribution strategy for apartments

Build a distribution strategy for apartments

Increasingly often, short-term rentals are the first choice over traditional accommodations, primarily among individual customers, but also among business customers. However, continuously growing interest and, as a result, competition, have made property owners and property management companies constantly optimize their online distribution strategies. How to do it effectively? How should the online distribution strategy for short-term rentals differ from the strategy applied by hotels?

Dynamic development of alternative accommodations
Quite obviously, short-term rentals has transformed the landscape of the tourism industry for good and forced hotels, guesthouses and other traditional accommodations to thoroughly redesign their current sales and distribution models. Originally, the redesign activities focused only on traditional facilities; at the initial development stage the apartments, given the relatively weak market competition and a more favourable pricing policy compared to hotels, did not have to be excessively customer-oriented. However, growing interest, combined with above-average rates of return on investment in short-term rentals, in a short period of time led to an abrupt increase in their number and the consequent necessity to move the existing customer acquisition strategies to a completely new level.

The market growth was fostered, on the one hand, by competitive prices and, on the other hand, by the global trend where the customers seeking uniqueness, genuineness and customized services would decide increasingly more often to stay in locations alternative to traditional accommodations – especially chain accommodations, which, in order to guarantee the same standard, were similarly equipped regardless of their location. All this translated into a great number of apartments becoming available for rent in a short period of time, especially in the most popular tourist destinations.

This is perfectly illustrated by the statistics published by the biggest players on the distribution channel market (mainly OTAs – i.e. Online Travel Agencies). Alternative accommodations already account for approx. 20% of‘s revenues. Airbnb, the short-term rental market leader and one of the icons of the sharing economy alongside Uber, generates almost all of its revenue from short-term rentals. While the website owes its current position to the immense interest of individual customers, it has been increasingly more active in the USD 1 trillion worth business travel sector. As a result, over the last two years the number of corporate bookings has tripled and reached 15% of the total number of bookings. By 2020, the share of bookings made by companies is expected to reach 30%!

How to effectively develop the suite distribution strategy?
Operating in such a dynamically evolving market is definitely challenging; therefore numerous holiday suite owners decide to entrust their management to professionals. Today there are dozens of companies providing such services; however, they do not always succeed in fully exploiting the potential of managed properties. The reason for that is that building an effective online distribution strategy is extremely challenging a task. On the one hand, it involves extensive expertise and know-how and, on the other hand, the use of professional tools supporting the sales process automation.
While it is worthwhile drawing on good practices from the hospitality industry, it is misleading to expect that a 1:1 copy of the distribution strategies used by leading hotel facilities will yield the desired outcomes. Why being so? This is because the apartments are characterised by exceptional uniqueness. While the hotels as a rule offer at least several identical rooms (similar in size and style), it is practically impossible to find two identical apartments. This is both an asset and a major obstacle, requiring the property manager to manage the property skilfully. This is due to the fact that the number of possible options for manoeuvring is significantly limited, which means that the distribution strategy should be tailor-made each time. Given the fact that each suite constitutes a unique resource and juggle with its availability is impossible, careful and well-thought-out price management is essential as well. Excessive under- and/or overpricing may indeed have a significant impact on the RoI.

So, how to effectively manage the suite distribution? First and foremost, it is crucial to carefully analyze their potential, showcase them skilfully and select the most appropriate distribution channels. According to the number of bookings recorded by Channel Manager YieldPlanet, maximizing suite revenue goes hand in hand with maximizing the number of available sales channels. The majority of the short-term rentals we cooperate with use 4 to 6 sales channels, yet increasingly more facilities operate through 7 to 10 channels. The more channels we use, the more difficult it is to manage them. For each channel a separate strategy needs to be developed, and it should be thoroughly analyzed with respect to its profitability, the amount of commission charged by the given channel for cooperation, and other factors as well. On this basis, it is advisable to develop a proprietary online distribution strategy.

Optimally designed IT ecosystem
The management of a significant number of distribution channels involves the application of tools that will substantially enable to automate the process of managing suite prices and availability. Today it is virtually impossible to introduce all the necessary modifications and manage the calendar manually. This is especially true if we plan to establish cooperation with at least some of the leading distribution channels, such as, Airbnb, Expedia or local booking portals. The process of multi-channel management automation can be supported by solutions that has already been used by hotels for years and widely used in the short-term rental market for some time now.

What kind of solutions are they? First of all, the PMS system (property management system), which should include the entire inventory, i.e. all managed properties. It is PMS that will monitor the current number of available properties and enter new bookings directly into the calendar. The system will also feed information on apartment’s availability into the next link in the data flow chain, i.e. Channel Manager. This system, in turn, allows to effectively manage the multi-channel sales process. Provided that the short-term rentals are being offered on several booking websites at the same time, modification of the offer and customization of prices to the current market conditions will be possible in real time from the level of one tool, without the need to log in to each channel separately.

Connecting the Channel Manager with the PMS is essential while managing the suite availability. Since each suite offers unique qualities and often it is not possible to replace it with another similar suite, it is of utmost importance that the system sends real-time information about the suite’s availability to OTA in order to prevent double bookings at the same time (i.e. overbooking).

Imagine a situation where we have available apartments whose interiors are inspired by the culture of different countries. So there is a Japanese, Chinese, American, Italian, Swedish and French suite. If a guest cares particularly to stay in a Chinese suite and they book one, but there will be an overbooking situation, i.e. another guest books the same suite at the same time, it will most likely be an issue for the suite manager; this issue will be difficult to solve or even impossible to solve in such a way as not to offend the guest who will not be able to stay in the Chinese suite. The sales strategy for this type of facilities is different than in the case of many identical rooms, as it enforces the need for detailed and careful price management and provides fewer opportunities for manoeuvring within the suite inventory.
In this particular case, it is extremely vital that the system immediately changes the status of the facility’s availability. Of course, the channel manager brings many more advantages. This translates into higher suite occupancy rates, greater control over the margins paid to the agents and huge time savings for the managers.
What is probably the most interesting for the suite managers at the moment is the cost of developing this type of infrastructure. And even though it may seem that these solutions are reserved exclusively for the biggest market players, in fact things look completely different. In most instances, investment in expensive IT infrastructure is not necessary. The presented systems are usually cloud-based solutions, settled on the basis of a fixed, monthly subscription fee or based on a commission system, which makes them available to virtually everyone.
Are you looking for a solution that will help you manage your short-term rentals? Contact us to receive an offer for the YieldPlanet Channel Manager.

How to maximize your peak season earnings

How to maximize your peak season earnings

How to maximize your peak season earnings

With the high demand that peak season brings to your distribution channels, together with we are sharing some tips to show you how your business can benefit. This is how you can attract more guests to your property.

1. Improve your visibility

As simple as it sounds – the first and foremost step to attracting more guests is being seen by more people – that means improving your visibility on distribution channels. Look through the photos and descriptions that you use to make sure they are up-to-date and reflect all of the assets of your property. Structurize the text and try to use the arguments that may be convincing to your target group of guests. Joining special programmes for partners that some OTAs have can also help. has a Preferred programme. This move opens new possibilities for your offer to be displayed in attractive placements in the search results, for example. A property which has joined the programme, can get up to 65% more page views and 35% more bookings, according to’s statistics. For properties who will not be able to join the programme, there are another ways to make your offer be more visible.’s ranking is the order in which available accommodation in guests’ search results is displayed. These results are sorted based on what’s most relevant to guests’ particular preferences, taking into account their past search behaviour, specific market dynamics and properties’ overall performance on the website. This makes it easier to match guests’ needs with the right kind of accommodation, and helps you attract guests who want to book your kind of property. uses machine learning to continually evaluate what matters most to guests, which, in turn, helps your property connect with the guest. The number of bookings you receive impacts your overall performance, an that affects your ranking.

2. Boost your conversion

That is again, a content issue. To stand out in search results – and increase the number of clicks on your property’s page – you need to have accurate and attractive content. Numbers don’t lie – properties that follow this rule receive up to 18% more bookings than properties with incomplete content. Another way that helps to increase your conversion is to target high-value guests with your offer.’s Genius programme helps you secure revenue by connecting you with the most frequent bookers on By offering Genius guests a 10% discount, you’ll get extra visibility and promotion – and potentially increase your bookings by up to 18%. You can also look to attract business guests by offering them a special rate. Business guests are 50% less likely to cancel and 60% more likely to book your property again in future. Additionally, they increase your occupancy on weekdays and tend to spend more than other guests.

3. Reduce your cancellations

Did you know that guests who pay online are four times less likely to cancel or not show up? By allowing last-minute bookings without credit cards you will make last-minute bookers cancel far less. This will simplify their booking process and improve your chances of securing their reservation. Another way to turn cancellations into new bookings is to set a grace period – the time you let your guests change a booking without being charged. As 25% of cancellations happen within 24 hours of the original booking, grace periods help you get your rooms back on sale quickly. This option is possible on

4. More channels, more bookings

Last, but not least: take full advantage of the possibilities your channel manager gives you. Maybe it is time to add some more distribution channels? Take action on your peak season opportunities now!
Consortia – a quick guide for corporate reservations seekers

Consortia – a quick guide for corporate reservations seekers

Consortia – a quick guide for corporate reservations seekers

As explained in the Why do you need to be on a GDS now? A guide to the GDS market for hoteliers’ GDS white paper elaborated by YieldPlanet, diversification of distribution channels is one of the key factors that make your property perform better. Therefore, hoteliers cannot avoid to consider the GDS as one of the tools to increment bookings. GDSes are the way for hotels to connect and conduct business with travel agencies and travel management companies. They deliver some of the most valuable customers for hotels: business travelers, who tend to spend more on premise and pay a higher average daily rate (ADR) than their leisure counterparts.

The GDS feeds most consortia, providing a major source of business for hotels that capture strong corporate demand. Consortia are Associations or Marketing organizations which link together small to medium-sized independent travel agencies to leverage purchasing power and marketing opportunities.

Some of the main international consortia are:

ABC Global Services – leading provider of travel-related products and services to the global travel agency and corporate communities for over 35 years.  ABC’s Premier Hotel Program is used by approximately 8,000 agency locations in 67 countries and driving millions of room nights per year.  More than 50,000 hotels participate in ABC’s program.
Business mix: 70% corporate and 30% leisure business.

American Express Global Business Travel – an international corporate travel management company (TMC) that provides leading travel solutions, integrated consulting services, proprietary research, and end-to-end meetings and events capabilities. These  offerings enable clients to optimize the return on their travel and meetings investments. GBT has operations and network partners in nearly 140 countries worldwide.

BCD Travel – ranked as the Top 3 TMC worldwide. A hotel listed under the BCD rate access codes delivers its product to the point of sale of 6,000 BCD travel counselors in 110 countries and to clients worldwide.
Business mix: 90% corporate, 5% leisure, 5% meetings & incentives.

Carlson Wagonlit – a leading travel management partner to fortune 100 companies. It is used by over 3,000 locations, in 140 countries.
Business mix: 99% corporate and 1% leisure business

CCRA – a negotiated, preferred-rate hotel program that, has become one of the largest consortia in the world, booking in excess of 20 million hotel room nights each year. CCRA’s reputation for increasing bookings by “double to triple digits” has grown in recent years. The printed directories are first-class in both design and usability and are valuable tools utilized by more than 100,000 agencies, individual agents, and travelers. It offers 30,000 locations in 30+ countries and 100,000 agents worldwide. It sells 27 million room nights a year total
Business mix: 40% corporate travel, 60% leisure travel

Custom Travel Systems – comprises of many independent travel agencies and travel agency consortia, including Hickory Travel Systems, Inc. and FIRST Travel Management International. It is used by 32,000 locations, in 38 countries worldwide
Business mix: 70% corporate travel, 30% leisure

HRG – an American Express Global Business Travel Company, is a network that comprises over 120 countries.

Radius – with 86 shareholder agencies operating 4,600+ branches around the globe, RADIUS, formerly Woodside Travel Trust, has earned a reputation for successfully serving the needs of business travelers worldwide. It offers 4,600+ locations in 87 countries.
Business mix: 70% Corporate, 30 % Leisure

THOR – founded in Colorado, USA over 30 years ago, THOR anticipated the need to create a new service providing commissionable and discounted hotel rates, which its member agencies could recommend to their travelers. THOR’s Worldwide Hotel Program is one of the largest and fastest growing program with over 22,000 hotel partners around the world. 3,700+ member agencies use this worldwide program to book both corporate and leisure travelers.
Business mix: 70% Corporate, 30% Leisure

WIN Global Travel Network – connects corporate clients with region-specific or multi-national travel requirements with travel management experts around the world, making travel more simple. Members of the WIN Global Travel Network can match the global reach of any multi-national travel management company (TMC), harnessing knowledge and technology to drive better value across business and leisure travel; meetings and events; conferences, group travel and destination management. WIN Global Travel Network has Partners in over 70 countries and 6,000+ network locations worldwide

The consortia rate is negotiated between the hotels and travel agencies and is only available to contracted consortia.

YieldPlanet at the Polish–African Business Achievement Investment Forum and Awards

YieldPlanet at the Polish–African Business Achievement Investment Forum and Awards

YieldPlanet at the Polish–African Business Achievement Investment Forum and Awards

YieldPlanet will be participating in the Polish–African Business Achievement Investment Forum and Awards event.
This prestigious event will be held on the 11th of June 2019 in Warsaw. Wojciech Borowy, Board Member and founder of YieldPlanet S.A., will be one of the speakers at the conference, presenting YieldPlanet’s solutions for online distribution and revenue management:Channel Manager and Price Optimizer RMS in front of Polish and African investors, among other entrepreneurs from Poland.

Among the investors and attendees there are representatives from: Algeria, Angola, D. R. Congo, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and Tunisia.

The special guests from the business world will be, among others, Polish entrepreneurs and investors: Dominika Kulczyk, Dariusz Miłek, Zbigniew Solorz-Żak, Michał Sołowow and Jerzy Starak. In the evening part of the event, a ceremony of awards for the investors to highlight the contribution of the business leaders of Africa and Poland in all sectors will be held.

Polish-African Business Achievement Awards honors the great business leaders of Poland and Africa who are leaving an indelible mark on all of us and have inspired many with their hard work, leadership qualities and vision. The business leaders of Africa are from African countries with diplomatic representation in Poland. Polish-African Business Achievement Awards gives the opportunity to bring together the great business leaders of Poland and Africa under one umbrella and highlights the achievements of the great business leaders of Africa and Poland in all sectors. The event aims at strengthening the friendship and business ventures of the countries of the African continent and Poland.

The Polish–African Business Achievement Investment Forum and Awards Ceremony is an invitation-only event.

New connection: Apaleo PMS

New connection: Apaleo PMS

New connection: Apaleo PMS

YieldPlanet has established a new connection with Apaleo. The two-way integration enables hoteliers to connect YieldPlanet’s Channel Manager directly from Apaleo’s store.

Apaleo is an easy-to-use property management system that connects to all your favorite hotel technology. With a simple set up and no upfront costs, hotels can be up and running in no time. Apaleo’s PMS is built with a connectivity layer (API) first approach. With this in mind, it`s the world`s only PMS where every single piece of data is accessible and available for the third-party integrations. Innovative, pre-integrated tools within the Apaleo store can be connected with the click of a button. With all of these tech pains out of the way, hotels can focus on leveraging technology to better serve guests, automate tasks, and increase revenue.

“When we started to build Apaleo, we wanted to make it simple for any system to integrate in just few seconds, without waiting times and additional costs.” said Andrea Stubbe, co-founder atApaleo.

“We are very excited for this two-way integration with YieldPlanet, which allows hoteliers to surpass the challenges of online distribution and revenue management.” said Andrea Stubbe, co-founder at Apaleo.

Two-way integration enables hoteliers to connect YieldPlanet’s Channel Manager directly from Apaleo’s store to deliver powerful, easy to use distribution and revenue management solutions.

“Various high-profile client requests from multiple markets have put the integration with Apaleo a high priority for us. Having our management team met Apaleo’s representatives at ITB in Berlin this March has confirmed that their product is extremely flexible to use and offers hoteliers who use it a fantastic PMS experience,” says Claudio Limacher, CEO at YieldPlanet.

Click here to see the full list of the partners YieldPlanet is integrated with.

YieldPlanet has established a new connection with Apaleo – the provider of a PMS solution of the new generation. The product is extremely flexible to use and integrate with other systems, and offers a fantastic PMS experience. In reply to various client requests, we are happy to have Apaleo among the PMSes we are integrated with. And guess what: these guys are huge fans of Avengers! How cool is that?

New connection: Smartbox Group

New connection: Smartbox Group

New connection: Smartbox Group

YieldPlanet has established a new connection with Smartbox Group – the pioneer European and worldwide leader in the experience gift market. YieldPlanet’s clients can connect to Smartbox and benefit from this platform. The connection allows YieldPlanet clients to have the reservations sent automatically to their PMS.

YieldPlanet has established a new connection with Smartbox Group – the pioneer European and worldwide leader in the experience gift market.

How does it work? Smartbox creates themed experience gift boxes in Stays, Gastronomic, Wellbeing and Adventure categories. These are presented to customers in retailers and online in high quality gift boxes, gift cards and e-boxes online. Hoteliers, with guidance from the Smartbox team, choose experience offers to promote in the gift boxes in retailers across Europe.

The boxes are purchased as gifts at seasons such as Christmas and Valentines Day. The recipient chooses an experience from all that are offered in the gift box. They select chosen property on, reserve and visit the chosen venue. The gift box voucher redeems automatically during the booking process, and Smartbox then reimburses the property.

The Smartbox Marketing Platform is an incremental, non-standard way to promote your hotel without cannibalising direct bookings, promoting your venue across 18,000 touchpoints in Europe.

Now, YieldPlanet’s clients can connect to Smartbox and benefit from this platform. The connection allows YieldPlanet clients to have the reservations sent automatically to their PMS.

About Smartbox
Smartbox Group operates in 11 European countries with 9 well-known brands (Bongo (BE/NL), Odisseias (PT), Red Letter Day & BuyAGift (UK), Dakotabox (ES, FR), and the European #1, Smartbox (IE, FR, ES, IT, DK, SE, CH) :
• selling 7 million gift experiences per year,
• retailing in 18,000 dept stores, electronic stores, hyper markets, and own brand stores across Europe
• working with over 42,000 partners worldwide (including 17,000 Hotels)

The company achieved a revenues of >€500 million in 2018.

What does Smartbox NOT do:
• Cannibalise existing channels
• Discount your rates
• Charge a set-up fee or membership fee

“As the market leader in gift experiences, Smartbox Group continues to be innovative. Our development team have worked hard at integrating Smartbox as a new channel with YieldPlanet, which has become our very first channel manager connection. Hotels now have easy stock management and the opportunity to boost their presence within the gift experience market and have access to 2 million room night bookings a year through Smartbox Group.” – says Riccardo Benvenuti, Trade Marketing Manager at Smartbox.

Not yet our client? Order Channel Manager and benefit from Yieldplanet’s partners’ offer.

Rate leakage: Hotelbeds wants to support hoteliers and property owners to prevent Rate Leakage

Rate leakage: Hotelbeds wants to support hoteliers and property owners to prevent Rate Leakage

Rate leakage: Hotelbeds wants to support hoteliers and property owners to prevent Rate Leakage

Redistributing of inventories and reselling offers from one channel on another is not a new thing but with the more widespread use the booking-basic rate on in European hotels since December 2018, the rate leakage topic has been fueled again.

A good summary of how booking basic works has been published first in July 2018 by our partner Mirai or by Triptease in a full white paper.

In summary, with OTA’s usage of leaked rates, hoteliers could have a serious parity issue which also could lead to a conversion issue on their direct channel. That is besides the issue of not respecting the restrictions on the wholesale and packaged rates.

Hotelbeds, one of the potentially accused providers of leaked rates, has recently entered the discussion by clearly opposing rate leakage. Hotelbeds is saying that they are not encouraging or supporting rates leakages and is not making available to any of these channels those FIT rates that are meant to be packaged. Additionally, the wholesaler assures to be taking a stance proactively to ensure that their customers don’t use those rates in that way. Hotelbeds will be watching out for anyone we feel is doing this and will take action where necessary to stop it, if necessary penalizing and disconnecting customers who take advantage, as the company understands and shares the concern or its hotel partners.

Hotelbeds also claims that it has recently taken two steps to proactively deal with this situation: first of all, segmenting their distribution by leveraging the advanced data analytics capabilities and secondly, significantly increasing the size of the team dedicated to monitoring this area. However, this is so far limited to FIT rates.

According to Sam Turner, Director of Wholesale Sales & Sourcing, Hotelbeds, the best way to prevent leakage is to work with fewer but better quality wholesale partners. It is important that their partner not only offers solutions to resolve this challenge, but that they also fully respect a hotel’s needs: only distribution partners with a long-term, win-win approach should be considered viable. The full interview with Sam Turner, Director of Wholesale Sales & Sourcing, Hotelbeds is available here. 

Has your property suffered from the negative consequences from rate leakages? Would you like to know more how to thoroughly control your online distribution? Get in contact with the expert team at YieldPlanet to discuss your individual online distribution.

Case study: Aurora Luxury Hotel & Spa, Greece

Case study: Aurora Luxury Hotel & Spa, Greece

Case study: Aurora Luxury Hotel & Spa, Greece

The first hotel to take full advantage of the interface between YieldPlanet’s Channel Manager and Opera

Aurora Luxury Hotel & Spa is an independent vacational, four-star property, located in the island of Santorini, in Greece, and the perfect place to host one’s dreams of the perfect holiday in the Cyclades. This luxury property offers twenty-one suites that blend the traditional architecture with modern touches and a range of luxurious amenities.

The hotels had been using YieldPlanet’s Channel Manager, Book Online Now Booking Engine and Oracle Suite 8 PMS since 2016.

Managing such a unique property as Aurora Luxury Hotel & Spa comes with particular challenges and requirements. This is why, one year later, when YieldPlanet released the interface with Oracle, the hotel management decided to take full advantage of the interface between YieldPlanet and Opera. The main expectation to automate the process of retrieving reservations, pricing and inventory updates. Aurora Luxury Hotel & SPA would become the first hotel to use the interface. “I had implemented many interfaces between Oracle Cloud and Channel Manager systems, so my biggest concern was how familiar the other system would be with this interface”, says Αkis Moutselos, Technical Director at Eurotel / Aurora Luxury Suites. All original concerns were immediately addressed. “We have received the support we needed throughout the process. The person responsible for the integration process on YieldPlanet’s side was very helpful”.

The key challenge at the beginning of the cooperation was to agree on how mapping should be done.

“Once the conditions have been determined, the process went smoothly. It took a few days to complete the implementation and the property started using the PMS-Channel manager interface”, Akis Moutselos adds.

Theodoros Katsimbras, SVP-Global Business Development Director at Book Online Now, who works closely with the property has followed the proceedings and confirmed that the connection is working smoothly.

„The integration we made for Aurora Luxury Suites in Santorini was especially important for us, as for YieldPlanet it was the first implementation between Oracle Opera PMS and YieldPlanet’s Channel Manager. We had a very experienced partner on the other side, which helped the full connection process to go fast and smoothly. I would like to thank Mr. Αkis Moutselos for his professionalism and cooperation.” – says Tomasz Fitulski, Head of Implementations at Yieldplanet.

Aurora Luxury Hotel & Spa has been using the interface for some time now. The decision to be the pilot for the interface between YieldPlanet and Opera has come with no regrets:

“We had high expectations that were met. I rate this cooperation very high”, concludes Akis Moutselos.

Are you using the Oracle Suite 8 PMS and looking for a channel manager? Contact us! AV Resell Feature – new way handles cancellations AV Resell Feature – new way handles cancellations AV Resell Feature – new way handles cancellations has started testing the AV Resell Feature. This can be a great chance for properties which depend heavily on bookings from OTAs. informed us that they started testing the AV Resell Feature. With this feature, is reselling canceled rooms on its own. The idea is simple – holds canceled inventory for 24 hours and actively looks for a replacement for the same dates According to, the AV Resell Team even spends extra marketing efforts to do so. In case no replacement can be found, the canceled inventory is freed up and the cancellation is delivered to the property – however, with significant delay. According to, not all of the cancellations are covered with this experimental mechanism, but only those that fit certain criteria. YieldPlanet assumes this will most probably be high demand dates or dates with limited inventory. This new feature is currently being tested and not all hotels are affected at this point.’s experimental feature can boost its incomes, as the canceled inventory for high demand dates is usually very attractive. We assume that properties which depend heavily on bookings from OTAs would be delighted with this feature. For this group of hotels not only is the chance to get a replacement after cancellation bigger than in case of enabling inventory in a standard way, but also the replacement should exactly fit the canceled dates. According to, when reselling cancelled inventory to a new guest, the latest prices set by the hotel are being used – not the original rates from the cancelled reservation.

On the other hand, revenue-savvy managers might find the new feature of problematic for their properties. By holding the cancelled inventory for 24h, reduces the chances that this inventory can be resold on other OTAs or by the hotel directly. This feature does lead to the situation that a property receives reservations (modifications to be correct) for dates that are completely booked out. We can imagine the case where reception denies reservation for a loyal guest due to lack of inventory while still has the last room available on Most problematic, however, is the case when properties are oversold due to overbooking limits and the cancellations are not registered but resold by If the AV Resell Feature will be widely adopted, cancellation probability algorithms in various RMS’ will need to be adjusted for this new reality. allows for the AV Resell Feature to be turned off by contacting their account manager.

We at YieldPlanet think that new AV Resell Feature can be a great benefit for most hotels in particular in cases where the hotel still has enough inventory and is not overbooked. Turning the AV Resell Feature off would not be our recommended action.

With the Price Optimizer solution, YieldPlanet has the tools to give hoteliers full control over their distribution. The overbooking prevention feature let’s hoteliers automatically distribute a carefully adjusted sold-out price and MLOS whenever there is no availability left. With this feature and our highly adjustable distribution rules, Price Optimizer can give you back the control over your distribution – also the AV Resell Feature.

Get back control over your distribution now and sign up for Price Optimizer.

As a data provider to hundreds of channels in the hospitality industry, YieldPlanet is regularly involved in evaluating or testing new features introduced by our technology partners. Check our blog to be among the first to know about new OTA features.

YieldPlanet is a premium software provider focused on hotel distribution and channel management. It delivers powerful solutions to meet and surpass the challenges of distribution and revenue management. YieldPlanet’s Channel Manager is integrated with over 500 channels to help you reach a global market. Our partners include not only PMSes, but also OTAs, Sharing Economy OTAs, Tour Operators, wholesalers, CRSes, GDSes, RMSes, mobile apps, metasearches and booking engines.


YieldPlanet now has 500 connected partners!

YieldPlanet now has 500 connected partners!

YieldPlanet now has 500 connected partners!

We are happy to announce that over half thousand partners have trusted us and are officially connected with us.

Who are our connections?

• The 506 partners belong to one of 7 categories: OTA, wholesalers, PMS, RMS, CRS, GDS and booking engines.
• The most numerous group among YieldPlanet’s connected partners are PMSes – their number has just exceeded 100. If your PMS is still not synchronized with YP’s Channel Manager, please reach our support team.
• YieldPlanet is a preferred partner of some of the most important companies in the hospitality and technology industry. To name only a few: Agoda (Innovative Supplier), (Connectivity Partner), HRS (Preferred Partner), PremierBooker, Hotel360°, Oracle (Gold Partner) and Microsoft (Partner Network).
• We have recently established connection with AirBnB, which we announced proudly a couple of days ago.

We have noticed an interesting trend in the hospitality industry currently, consisting in consolidation of partners. Stronger companies have been taking over smaller partners. Revenue management is of main interest of well-run hotels and only a handful of channel managers, among them YieldPlanet’s, can offer RMS integrations.

RMS connections seem to be another topic which is interesting to be aware of and to watch. Revenue management is a hot topic recently and is an increasing trend that RMSes are looking for integrations with channel manager providers. Among our recent connections you will find such revenue management systems as: YieldPlanet’s Price Optimizer, Ideas or BeOnPrice.

When it comes to technical standards, the fragmented nature of the hospitality industry should be taken under consideration. This causes that many tech companies build tech in different ways, which makes management companies, brands, real estate owners and general managers ask for unified technology and not all channel managers respond to such calls with their platforms. YieldPlanet’s solution is an example of technology that surpasses this challenge.
We are proud to be expanding our global network by being connected to so many solutions of our trusted partners, offering our clients the flexibility to easily integrate our product with the system which they use. Thank you for your trust and let us grow together!
See who is celebrating with us – the full list of connections is available here.

YieldPlanet listed one of’s most trusted partners globally

YieldPlanet listed one of’s most trusted partners globally

YieldPlanet listed one of’s most trusted partners globally

We are excited to inform that YieldPlanet has been listed among’s most prestigious partners in the Connectivity Partner Programme for another consecutive year.

YieldPlanet has been included among 50 leading partners of globally to hold the position in the Premier Tier and as one in 6 in the category “Quality of connection” in the Connectivity Partner Programme for 2019.

“We are happy that YieldPlanet’s Channel Manager performs highest standards when it comes to the reliability of the connection, which results in high speed stability. Our ambition and business objective has always been to deliver the best quality of connection to our clients and this title proves we are doing everything to continuously raise our standards in this field.” – says Wojciech Borowy, board member of YieldPlanet S.A.

How does the connectivity Partner Programme work?

The Connectivity Partner Programme is aimed to reward the Connectivity Partners for their involvement in delivering better quality of service to and our clients. It has three levels: Standard, Advanced and Premier. Every Connectivity Partner is automatically enrolled at Standard level. Partners can move up to the next level by taking steps that help improve the performance of the partner’s properties and the experience of their guests.
At the end of every year, sets up the requirements for the following year’s Connectivity Partner Programme. The partners are evaluated in the following pillars:

Business value – how many new properties establish cooperation with the partner and, in effect, with, and how fast they grow in effect
Property performance – and YieldPlanet’s mutual effort in helping hoteliers and property owners benefit more from the connection with us in terms of property performance (conversion, cancellations, ranking, etc.)
Product & Quality – for integrations which help to manage properties easier, also for the speed and stability of the connection
Engagement – partner’s integration with in terms of programmes and processes that are established for mutual clients’ convenience. That includes cooperation on reporting, content and promotions.

“What is really this program all about? The way I see it is the fact that we all dedicate our efforts to maximize our customers’ revenue. Our job is to deliver diversified data to and to the customer – as fast as we can and with as little of errors. We research the flow, analyze it and turn it into the real thing that matters – right prices and availabilities. This makes us fast, efficient and -what’s most important – reliable to and Hotelier. The game is speed and accuracy. Slow kills, errors choke, quality, speed and accuracy win the game.” – emphasizes Wojciech Borowy.

Premier Partners are’s most highest-evaluated and most trusted partners.

More details about the programme you will find here.

We are looking forward to another year growing together!

Airbnb – switch to a new connection

Airbnb – switch to a new connection

Airbnb – switch to a new connection

It is our pleasure to announce that YieldPlanet has received certification from Airbnb as data provider for channel manager, which takes our cooperation to another dimension.
YieldPlanet’s customers can now benefit from full support from the partner’s account managers and tech support.

“The connection with AirBnb has a strategic importance for us. We believe that this step will take us to a new dimension of cooperation with Airbnb, and most importantly bring value to our clients.” – says Claudio Limacher, CEO of YieldPlanet.

Besides the standard connectivity to AirBnB to deliver rates and availability to the channel and receiving reservation, the connection has a number of advanced features that allows YieldPlanet clients to sell on AirBnB
– Smart overbooking protection mechanism is used whenever Airbnb calls YieldPlanet for confirming availability before finalizing any booking. This advanced solution guarantees safety to all of our clients – even f changes are on the way, availability will be confirmed in YieldPlanet’s calendar.
– Minimum lengths of stay (MLOS) and Closed to arrival (CTA) parameters are now distributed and delivered, as daily parameters and tokens are generated automatically without any manual actions required.
– Authorizing YieldPlanet as a provider of data to Airbnb has now become extremely easy. Customers can find an authorization button in the channel manager and with 2 simple clicks the whole procedure is finalized.
– Reservations are delivered in real time. Usernames and passwords are no longer required in the channel manager to authenticate the connection between Airbnb and YieldPlanet. This is the up-to-date solution to keep the highest standards of data security.
– Also Hotels can use Airbnb, as allotment can be set there as a value higher than 1. Please contact your AirBnB market manager for more details.
„Establishing this connection is revolutionary. It allows us to not only limiting to single property owners, but also opens our doors to standardized properties with a variety of availability offers” – Paweł Rytel, Product Manager at YieldPlanet, emphasizes.
YieldPlanet’s customers can start new Airbnb connections in just a few clicks.

If you are already using YielPlanet Channel Manager, please, contact YieldPlanet’s support team should you find any issues regarding your connections or have any questions. 

Property management system (PMS) and Channel Manager – the perfect duo

Property management system (PMS) and Channel Manager – the perfect duo

Property management system (PMS) and Channel Manager – the perfect duo

Digital revolution is gaining momentum and increasingly changes the landscape of the hotel industry. It enforces constant updating of both the business model, as well and the marketing and distribution strategies. Thankfully, increasingly advanced and complex IT solutions, allowing both more efficient guest service and maximizing the performance of a hotel can be the remedy for hoteliers. How does the system infrastructure influence the occupancy rate, finances and guest experience? How to optimally arrange it around the central Property Management System (PMS)?

Free flow of information: PMS, Channel manager, OTA

In order to realize how modern software and opportunities provided by the Internet influence the ongoing functioning of a hotel, it is important to track down the connections between the key systems utilized by modern hotels, namely such components of the data flow chain as OTA, Channel Manager or PMS.

Online Travel Agency (OTA) is nothing more than a sales channel. It is an Internet platform where the hotel’s offer is published and which can be used at any time by potential customers. That includes both large and commonly known websites, such as or Expedia, as well as much smaller, specialized sites, focusing solely on business or mountain hotels with SPA facilities or facilities attractive for golf lovers. Taking into account the fact that hotels cooperate with many such agencies, which allow them to reach broader and more varied groups of potential customers, it is necessary to have an adequate system in place, which makes day-to-day management easier. And that brings us to Channel Manager. In simplest terms it is a system allowing faster and more effective management of price plans for specific channels from the level of one control point, automatic bookings and sending information to OTA in real time regarding prices and the availability of rooms.

An extreme link of the data flow chain is in each case the Property Management System (PMS), that is an advanced system of managing a property. And even though each PMS offers slightly different functionalities, it can be argued that its main role is storage of information on hotel bookings, the current number of available rooms and accepting new bookings incoming via the Channel Manager or the sales department. PMS transfers the most recent data on the availability of rooms to a Channel Manager, which are then directed to all OTA connected with the Channel Manager and in case of a purchase made in one of the channels, PMS gets informed about this fact by the Channel Manager and enters the booking straight to the calendar. And despite the fact that a PMS is a key component of the automated multi-channel sales process, it also fulfils a variety of other functions. It is an everyday working tool for hoteliers, allows to manage information on guests, accounts and many other ongoing operations.

The evolution of PMS

Over the last few years PMS systems underwent a major evolution. They have gained many new functionalities, moved to the cloud and offer increasingly broad capabilities in terms of integration with other systems and tools. At first, they allowed only to execute the basic activities associated with booking management, check-ins and check-outs, allocation of rooms, availability management, as well as matters relating to invoicing. Nowadays, mainly due to integration with other systems and ever-changing expectations of customers, PMS have moved way beyond the hotel reception. They have become a key tools not only for managing a hotel facility and its revenues but also, which is vital in an era of increasing competitiveness, guest experience.

The best PMS available on the market allow effective service of hotel restaurants, banquet and conference facilities, parking lots and SPA. They allow efficient and flexible management of the housekeeping team, due to instant updates on mobile devices regarding guests leaving their rooms or the hotel, connection with other hotel systems in order to control heating and air conditioning, as well as management of switchboards, mini bars and pay TV in rooms.

Guest Experience and Revenue Management

What is especially important from the standpoint of hotel managers is undoubtedly the financial results, which are directly affected by the matters associated with guests opinions on the hotel. And even though it might be difficult to implement, modern PMS have a lot to offer in this area. One of the goals of implementing a Property Management System at a hotel is to increase the number of returning customers as well as the number of positive opinions on the facility. It can be achieved by proper understanding of the customer needs, gathering data on their likes and preferences, as well as communicating with them, not only during the booking process and their stay, but also during the phases preceding check-ins and check-outs. Usage of PMS and other innovative tools to individualize guest experience is a key factor influencing increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. It mostly concerns the young generation, which perfectly understands modern technologies, is willing to use them and share their insights and opinions on various aspects of life, including travel, with their communities. In order to improve sales results and at the same time improve guest experience, it is worthy to connect a PMS with the hotel CRM system in order to manage customer relationships and support the effectiveness of the offered loyalty programs. What is more, by “arming” reception with advanced data and analyses on guests, trends and behavioural patterns, as well as expenses and preferences we significantly increase the chances for an effective upsell or cross-sell, which is in consequence positively reflected in the hotel performance.

When selecting a PMS system the key factor is also the possibility for it to communicate with other systems, including mainly the system managing the channels (Channel Manger), hotel booking systems (Booking Engine or CRS) or systems optimizing the applied price policy (RMS). While communication with a Channel Manager or a Booking Engine is offered by an increasing number of PMS, the quality of such connection should be analysed before deciding upon the right solution. What is more, data synchronizations with a RMS is still a rarity for much too many PMS. What are the consequences of an improper selection of a PMS? A Property Management System which does not offer a two-way data synchronization will be able to deal with intercepting bookings but it will not be able to effectively transfer information on rooms and their availability to the Channel Manager and in consequence to the OTA. From the standpoint of managing revenues it is also important for a PMS to make all of the booking data available to a RMS, in order to allow them to properly recommend rates for the online sales channels. An incorrect decision may effectively ruin any plans associated with automation of hotel operations and improving its performance.

Ample opportunities of communication between a PMS and other systems are especially vital in the context of hotels with an average or large number of rooms and facilities, lacking their own sales departments and aimed towards attracting guests solely via the Internet. Effective management of revenues and price policy, in particular in case of larger facilities, is extremely troublesome and time consuming due to several constantly evolving factors. Without automated systems integrated with a central property management system taking a full advantage of the hotel’s potential is nearly impossible. What are the benefits of communication between PMS and RMS? By adding a Revenue Management System to the set of distribution tools of a hotel we can increase its revenue even by 9%, which was confirmed by a report published by Starfleet Research entitled “Harnessing the Power of Next – Generation Hospitality Revenue Management”.  

Cooperation with many Online Travel Agencies (OTA) is on one hand an opportunity to reach a significant number of potential customers and on the other hand a risk of losing a part of the revenues in form of commissions for intermediaries. Advanced Channel Manager is a tool allowing to automate the omnichannel strategy, as well as the manager cockpit, offering a quick preview of key distribution channels and their performance. By skilfully modifying the applied sales strategy and changing the price policy one can more or less effectively encourage guests to use channels charging lower commission or promote direct bookings via the hotel’s website. While listing the benefits it is worth to also mention that connecting a PMS with a Channel Manager is tantamount to making the information on the number of available rooms available in real time. Benefits are two-fold in this case: it allows not only to increase sales opportunities but also to improve the positon in the OTA ranking. It is also worth noting that any cancellations are processed in real time and the vacated rooms are almost instantly available for potential customers.

What to look for when selecting a PMS system?

In order to take full advantage of the possibilities offered by the modern PMS systems, it is worthy to verify in detail their communication potential. The most advanced and thus the most efficient systems effectively connect with the Channel Manager, directlyor indirectly connect with the booking system (Booking Engine, CRS) and the RMS and offer two-way data synchronization. There are relatively few of those on the market, and thus an alternative solution might be to combine a PMS with a high quality Channel Manager , which will effectively handle communication with a Booking Engine and advanced price recommendations of the RMS.

In terms of the sphere of functionality, it is reasonable to also verify the possibilities of a specific system and the chances of supplementing it with additional modules. They may increase the benefits and optimize processes, which are currently operated ineffectively or operated fully manually by the reception employees. An effective PMS system is also the best data source, which may be used for broadly defined analytical purposes and also for ongoing reports regarding occupancy rates or the hotel’s performance. Such possibilities should always speak in favour of a specific solution.

The progressing digitalization carries not only a wide range of benefits but also various threats. One of the threats includes issues of correct storage of data concerning customers and their credit cards, which are transferred between the hotel systems. The applicable regulations require the hoteliers to fulfil a number of obligations within that scope and establish a system infrastructure that will comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. When choosing a PMS for a hotel, it should be mandatory to verify how the producer addresses the issue of PCI Compliance.

From the perspective of a hotel manager the matters associated with costs of implementing a system are especially vital. Price is undoubtedly a significant parameter and often a deciding factor influencing the final decision on selecting a specific solution but it should never be a sole criterion for the selection. PMS intended for small facilities are not overly complex and thus the costs associated with its usage may amount to a few hundreds PLN annually. The amounts are correspondingly higher for large facilities and often amount to tens of thousand of PLN. One should be aware of the fact that the system fee is not the only charge that a user is expected to pay – it can be significantly increased by fees charged for system support and troubleshooting.

See which PMS are integrated with the YieldPlanet Channel Manager.

Ummarking inactive mappings in

Ummarking inactive mappings in

Ummarking inactive mappings in

A new advance has been developed in YieldPlanet’s Channel Manager – automatic unmapping of inactive rooms and rate plans in This development results in faster distribution and  decreased traffic to due to not sending any data to inactive rooms or rate plan.

Unmapping inactive rooms and rate plans in means that YieldPlanet will no longer distribute any data to such combinations.

YieldPlanet will mappings more fit when:

– room is inactive

– rate plan is inactive

– a combination of room and rate plan is inactive

– a room or rate plan is calculated according to internal formulas and no parameters can be delivered to such room or rate plan.

– a single use rate is not active in

– a rate plan is not supported via XML

Customers are notified via email on unmapping operation after a single mapping row has been affected.

This operation is safe, as unmapping inactive combinations is neutral from a customer’s point of view.

If you are our customer, please, verify mappings within the Channel Manager tool. Please, expect similar advantages with more channels soon.

Corporate rates – Fixed prices in rate plans Update

Corporate rates – Fixed prices in rate plans Update

Corporate rates – Fixed prices in rate plans Update

Please find below the product updates that will go live on Thursday 24.01 – the first update in 2019.


  • Virtual Rooms per season
  • Corporate rates – Fixed prices in rate plans
  • Saving display settings
  • 3 Day Pick-up based on real availability data
  • Dynamic Pricing on CRS

Virtual Rooms per season

The settings for Virtual Rooms can now be different and independent for each season, in line with all other settings that allow differentiation per season.

Corporate Rates – Fixed prices in rate plans

Fixed prices for Rate Plans can now be defined with different rates for various periods, seasons or weekdays

Multiple periods can be added with any season/weekday combination and with distinct values for each room type and Pax combination.

Please get in contact with your account manager to learn more about setting up corporate rates and fixed prices that can be used for distribution (e.g. to your booking engine) or on the CRS.

Saving display settings

One of the recent updates introduced different ways of presenting data in the Price Control screen. From now on, the chosen option will be saved and remembered until changed.

3 Day Pick-up based on real availability data

The 3-days pick-up shown in the Price Control is currently based on daily reports, therefore updated only once a day. After the change, it will be based on the real availability data and therefore always up-to-date and change during the day.

Dynamic Pricing in CRS update

In November, in the Reservation Screen (CRS), the dynamic pricing was introduced. As the next step we are adding the full dynamic recalculation also for adding multiple rooms to the basket with the multiplier button.

Additionally, there is also the possibility to limit the number of rooms that trigger a price recalculation. If that value is set to e.g. 3 rooms, the first 3 rooms will not trigger a dynamic price recalculation – this function allows to have the same price on channels and the CRS. This option is voluntary and can be set in User Interface Configuration.

As usual, should you have any questions or problem using new functions, please contact [email protected].

YieldPlanet connects with Travelport Hotelzon

YieldPlanet connects with Travelport Hotelzon

YieldPlanet connects with Travelport Hotelzon

From now on, hoteliers can update their Travelgate extranet through YieldPlanet. Thanks to a partnership agreement between YieldPlanet and Hotelzone Travelport, hotels can increase profitability and drive commercial success across the business-to-business travel network.

We are now connected with Hotelzon Travelport.
Not sure what that means to you as hotel? Let us explain.

Thanks to the partnership agreement between YieldPlanet and Hotelzone Travelport, it is now workable for hoteliers to update their Travelgate extranet through YieldPlanet.

From one single point of control, hoteliers can now drive commercial success across the business-to-business (“B2B”). accessing bookings from 6,000 travel agencies worldwide via the Travelport GDS platform and reach over 15,000 corporate customers who make reservations through the system Hotelzon Online.

All in one, time effectively and with low distribution costs.

Yieldplanet has always minded for a new ideas to enhance development effectiveness. For this reason, engaging on a partnership with Hotelzon Travelport came as a natural decision. Our new partner is a true Travel Commerce Platform, which focuses on providing distribution, technology, payment and other solutions for the $8 trillion global travel and tourism industry. It also enabling independent hotel properties to join GDS distribution in a cost-efficient way. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Travelport Hotelzon also offers a hotel booking solution which provides efficient tools for simplifying the corporate hotel booking process, implementing company travel policy, and control functions with real time reporting.

For hotels and agency partners the company delivers a suite of hotel distribution technology and services ranging from direct sales tools such as an online booking engine through to GDS distribution.

Nelson Boswell, an american writer, said: “Always give people more than they expect to get”.
We do value our business and relationship with our customers more than anything, and that is exactly why we are giving you the opportunity to benefit from this collaboration.
We are aware that some of YieldPlanet Channel Manager clients are not yet working with Travelgate. If you are our client and wish to know more about the benefits for your hotel, our support team will be happy to assist you.

Manage each channel separately with the new feature of Channel Manager

Manage each channel separately with the new feature of Channel Manager

Manage each channel separately with the new feature of Channel Manager

Revenue is what makes all the difference. Manage each channel separately.

Battles over banning rate parity clauses used by OTAs worldwide have been hot topic for several years. There were winners, hostages and bloodshed during rate parity battles in the past, but the legal landscape in 2018 is more than promising for hoteliers in more and more countries.

Saying goodbye to equal prices and inventory in OTAs raises fundamental question if the game is worth all those efforts. Do any hotels need OTAs selling cheaper or more expensive than others? YieldPlanet believes so, listening carefully to its customers, and is ready to support hoteliers with several tools to address that need.

Not only does channel manager offer connectivity to various channels, but also delivers multiple options to manage each channel separately.

YieldPlanet will support you in sending different rates and inventory to your channels, thus helping you achieve your revenue goals.

Do you need your channel manager to open or close selected channels or increase the rate when availability is low? Choose YieldPlanet’s Channel Manager to support you with that. This way, you can add for sale those channels that normally are not used for selling, in order to use them, for instance, only in post-season periods. This functionality also allows you to limit the number of rooms available within some of the channels or differentiate the number of rooms, so that particular channels have more than others. This way you can foster direct sales, for example, by increasing the number of rooms available in the hotel’s own Booking Engine.

Please, also meet our newborn feature of managing each channel separately that already works with your PMS. PMSs are not able to send info about the availability per channel, hence they have always overwritten the availability per channel that was set manually by the hotelier. So far, data management per partner at PMS wasn’t possible – now it has changed. With YieldPlanet’s Channel Manager now you can also make revenue decisions and, in parallel to your PMS, send lower or higher prices or more rooms to some OTAs.

Contact us here for more details about YieldPlanet’s solutions for hoteliers and tips on how you can drive your revenue using our tools.